Our seven gravitational guidelines

Products are – therefore to be used.
Good products should be designed to live and last, not just to live to be the latest in someone’s collection. If products just are, they are not to be.

Good design inspires and always comes with a purpose.
Really good design has the potential to develop and inspire people, to make even better creations. The purpose of the product can reach above itself, but it can nerver be left to chance, neither can it be just decorative. A decorative product is at best art, but most likely it’s kitsch or just junk.

Good design is honest design.
A product should never claim to be more than what it is. But indeed, it can be more than it claims.

Good design is completed, in every aspect and to the last detail.
Narrow choices down to the last detail has to be made. Not only for the product to function optimally and to communicate its reason to exist, but also be substantiated in every aspect to leave a minimal environmental footprint.

Good design is timeless.
Well designed products should never appear as trendy objects, but if a creation does (appears timeless) not breathe time, it will always feel up-to-date.

Innovation is not a must… but
The wheel is fine, but there are still things to improve from a clever, sustainable and timeless perspective. With todays throwaway mentality, timelessness in itself can be innovative. Invention in its truly meaning is however always a big fucking plus.

All design should strive to improve the journey of humanity.
A good product never expires, it’s never rendered useless, broken or thrown away.
Perfection exists of course only in theory, but the scientifically divine goal should obviously be to get as close to perfection as possible. Real design helps us consume less.